2017 in the rearview mirror

Like many others, I’ve had an emotional rollercoaster of a year in 2017. Bob Rudis has published a quantified self kind of retrospection, but, alas, I haven’t really participated in Stack Overflow, Twitter, or even blogging to do something similar. what I have done is peeked out of the pharma world enough to see trends in business, finance, and open data. And so that’s where I begin 2018.

In the coming year, I see my interests evolving:

  • A stronger focus on collection and analysis of open and public data, with an emphasis on describing and predicting events that affect us on a local level (and I’ll be using my own area of Upstate South Carolina as an example)
  • More widespread use of Bayesian statistics, especially as a way to combine inference from disparate data sources in a disciplined way
  • A focus on combining the hopeful accessibility of data science with the rigor of classical statistics to improve interpretability and reduce errors in reasoning
  • And new content twice a month

With that, I wish you a Happy 2018!

See you in two weeks!
